
Photographing a Storm with my iPhone

One of the results I captured yesterday with my iPhone during the storm down at Lyme Regis.

I love how photographs instantly transport you back to the where, when, what and who.

Taken with my iPhone 14 Pro Max

This one will always remind me of the two of us laughing like excited children as the waves from the incoming tide pounded against The Cobb wall and then towered above us and crashed down. Yes we got soaked (one of us more than the other) but it was so much fun.

Dedication … right there! Strong winds, big waves on the incoming tide and this one was giggling like a good ‘un as a BIGGIE came crashing over The Cobb and swallowed her up … and all to help me take some photographs 😍

*Taken with my iPhone 14 Pro Max using the ReeXpose App by REEFLEX set to a 0.5 second exposure.

Edited in Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop Beta.

*If you’re interested, I have the kit I use (which in this case addition to my iPhone was a tripod and the BEST Mobile Phone Grip I’ve ever used) over on my GEAR / KIT PAGE

Blackchurch Rock, North Devon - One Year Ago

Can't believe it's a year now since I took this picture of Blackchurch Rock near Bude, North Devon, which means it's just over a year ago that I started getting out and trying landscape photography.

Needless to say I've literally fallen in love with it; out in the fresh air, exploring and as a bonus being able to capture it in my camera. As is the case with landscape / seascape, not every trip ends up with an image...but who cares?!? I just love the experience of it all and making some great, like minded friends along the way.

Not often I'm on the receiving end of the camera when out and about but when Heathcliff O’Malley suggests taking your portrait, it's a done deal. One of my faves that I can look at and instantly recall being there.

Great times and very excited about experiences the coming weeks, months and years will bring. Especially looking forward to heading back to Blackchurch Rock and seeing how I'll approach it, one year further on into my Landscape Photography Journey...

Photographic Filters: Now an ESSENTIAL Addition to my Camera Bag

Photographic Filters: Now an ESSENTIAL Addition to my Camera Bag

A few years ago I attempted a landscape photography project, and me being me, that meant buying investing in some kit I’d had no call for until then as a portrait photographer, such as filters. The brand I opted for, and that everyone seemed to mention at the time, was Lee.

I purchased a number of Graduated Neutral Density (ND) Filters, Reverse ND Filters, Polarisers, Big Stopper, Little Stopper and so on, obviously in addition to the filter holding system, carry case and all.

The landscape photography venture didn’t really go much further than one photograph, but to be fair that was mainly because my 39-45 Portraits Project picked up a heck of a pace and took over.

Fast forward to March 2020 when circumstances dictated that I give the landscape stuff another try. I ventured out a few times taking along my Lee Filters but very soon they took a back seat, stayed on a shelf in my office and never saw the light of day.

Photography at Porlock Weir and meeting Mr & Mrs Grumpy

Photography at Porlock Weir and meeting Mr & Mrs Grumpy

I hadn’t actually intended to post this here on my website, but having shared the story on social media, and seeing the responses from people (some that were hilarious) I just had to add it here too for anyone that didn’t see the original on the likes of Facebook and Instagram.

Some of the comments posted on social media, I’ll add to the bottom.

Right, here goes…

Photographing Long Exposure Seascape at Sandymouth, Cornwall

Photographing Long Exposure Seascape at Sandymouth, Cornwall

Conditions were absolutely perfect for some long exposure photography, and wow, what a stunning location!

We arrived around 5pm with the high tide expected at 5.20pm, and had to wait maybe an hour or so before some of the hidden rock formations became visible. This gave us plenty of time to set up kit and think about where we would position ourselves; this being made a lot easier from Doug having been there before.

Photography saved me during the Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

Photography saved me during the Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

It’s fair to say that the Covid 19 Pandemic has affected each and every one of us in one way or another; be it with the loss of a loved one, a friend, or how the restrictions placed upon us have affected our everyday lives.

I can only talk about how it’s affected me, or rather how it could have affected. Now I say ‘could have’ because I know what I’m like and I know, that even with no pandemic to contend with, I’m the kind of person that gets restless and agitated if I’m not constantly working on something new.

As a Portrait Photographer, pre March 2020 it was easy. I had portraits to take and I had my 39-45 Portraits Project which in all honesty, I’m happy to say

Slow Shutter for Foggy Sea t Lynmouth, Devon

If you’ve been following how I’ve been getting on with my Portrait Photographer tackles Landscape Photography, you’ll likely have heard me mention how slowing down, relaxing and just enjoying the surroundings, very quickly started to produce results I was happy with.

Well, that was certainly the case a few weeks ago when I happened to drop into Lynmouth, North Devon for a pit stop when on the way to elsewhere.

Long story short, but I parked up and popped to what is without doubt one of the best

Slow Shutter Speed at Hartland Quay, Devon

Slow Shutter Speed at Hartland Quay, Devon

It’s been a few months now since I started out on my (long overdue) Landscape Photography Project with a view to trying something new whilst we’re living with restrictions because of the pandemic, and also just, well, wanting to see how I could improve.

I’ve mentioned in some of my more recent videos about how much I’m enjoying it and that when restrictions do eventually get lifted, I will 100% be continuing.. It’s totally different to my usual portrait photography but also similar in so many ways, but I love the escapism it brings and how it’s making me see more of the outdoors and immerse myself in my surroundings.

A few days ago I headed back to Hartland Quay in North Devon