behind the scenes

No Limits Creativity and Visual Storytelling with Kirk Nelson aka The Pixel Pro

Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast from when I chatted with Photographer and Photoshop Artist Kirk Nelson aka The Pixel Pro and discovered how we creates his Fantasy Art Composites and creates Special Effects in his Images …

links mentioned in the video:

50% OFF Courses, Overlays ans Bruashes in Kirk’s Store using code: friendsofglyn

Kirk’s link for a FREE PASS at the Photoshop Creativity Virtual Summit:

My First Photography and Print of 2025 : Stormy Sea on New Years Day 2025

There’s no better way to kick off the New Year than doing something you love, and for me, that means grabbing my camera, which in this case was my iPhone, and heading out to take some photographs; and this January 1st did not disappoint with a stormy high tide.. How could I resist?

My wife Anne, who’s as much of a storm lover as I am, joined me to not only keep me company, but she also helped capture some behind-the-scenes footage, which added to the fun of the morning.

We headed down to The Cobb ( Lyme Regis) and straight away it was a WOW moment!

The waves were crashing hard against The Cobb sending water shooting high into the air like fireworks. The sound was thunderous, the kind of deep, powerful roar that makes you feel alive just being near it.

I knew where I wanted to head to … the only issue was getting there; the lower part of The Cobb to the side of the Aquarium. The problem here was that water was crashing and pouring over The Cobb wall into the Harbour like a giant Ice Bucket Challenge ( remember that??? ) , however I’ve learned my lesson and now travel with full wet weather kit in a bag in the boot of my car.

Still, even though I was weather-proofed it meant timing the run to perfection to avoid the weight of the water crashing down on me … which I’m rather proud to say I managed to avoid.

Weather like this always fills me with excitement BUT that said you do still need to have your wits about you. No photogbraph is worth putting yourself and others at risk. I never want to be THAT guy!

Once at the side of the aquarium I was able to photograph the small beach area behind it and still be safe, protected by a wall and railing. I managed to get the composition I wanted, grab some shots but then the wind seemed to pick up a bit more. So, I decided enough was enough and timed a run back to Anne ( who was near the RNLI Station ) without getting hit by any waves breaching The Cobb Walls.

Actually on this, I’d heard some time ago that waves come in 7s and it did see to be the case. Running there and back I initially counted 7 clear waves breaches and then ran and managed to avoid getting soaked so, clearly there’s some truth in it; if not and it was pure fluke, I’m getting an extra Lottery ticket this week 😃

As for my iPhone, I used the native 0.5 ( 14mm ) lens and the native Apple Camera App set to Apple ProRaw. The image was edited using Lightroom Mobile on my iPad Pro.

So now I’m up and running; first photograph and print of 2025 is ‘in the bag’ 😃

After walking around a bit more, grabbing some extra shots and some video footage, it was time for breakfast at our favourite spot … Town Mill Bakery.

So here we are in 2025. I’m now really looking foward to the coming months as I plan to be visiting some other coastal locations across Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and Wales ( West and North ) … and my thoughts are that I’ll be doing this with my iPhone to push it that bit more and see what I can get with such minimal kit.

I’ll keep you posted.

Happy New Year!

Ragnar - Viking Composite using Photoshop

Following on from the earlier article I wrote ( LINK ) showing the Behind the Scenes of a recent Viking Photo Shoot, I’ve now finished the 2nd image so thought I’d share it here for you to see …

This is a composite made using Photoshop and is a combination of several images comprising the original studio photograph of my friend Simon ‘Foxy’ Fowler dressed as the Viking, the Location Shot and several Sea Bird Photographs.

Here’s the studio photograph of Simon …

Here’s the location shot which is a part of the coastline at Three Cliffs Bay, The Gower, South Wales …

To make sure that I got the angle and height correct, when at Three Cliffs Bay, my great friend Anthony Crothers stood in the spot where I would eventually place Simon …

In the studio when photographing Foxy, my camera was on a tripod and at a height where the lens was in line with the top portion of his nearest thigh.

When on location photographing the background / scene, Anthony was stood on a rasied area of ground …

(Note: it looks precarious but actually isn’t … to the front of Anthony on the other side is a flat area that you can comfortably walk on)

so to get the angle / height to look as though Simon was photographed higher than he actually was, the camera lens was level and aimed just below Anthony’s nearest knee.

My new compositing workflow

Returning to some compositing has seen me now approach them in a different way especially when it comes to potentially time consuming cutouts such as hair anf fur.

My new workflow sees me leaving this part to the very end and getting great results in literally a fraction of the time …

This is something that I’ll definitely be going through in my Combining Old and New : Mastering Selections and Cut Outs in 2024 class in the upcoming ( FREE ) Photoshop Virtual Summit 6 …

If you’d like to see a larger version of both images created from this photo shoot, I’ve now added them into my PORTRAITS PORTFOLIO ( LINK )

Thanks for looking in,

Returning to Composites: Ragnar Viking Portrait

It’s been a good few years since I did any compositing but recently I’ve been getting the urge to get back to it again. I don’t know if it’s because of all the updates that have come into Photoshop over the past few years or what, but something is drawing me back to start working in this area again … and I’m really excited about it.

So rather than just start creating random images, I’ve taken my own advice and decided on a project that brings together my photography, retouching and something outside of that world that I have a genuine interest and fascination with … and that’s Vikings. I’m a BIG fan of the Vikings Drama Series on Amazon Prime with incredible characters like Ragnar Lothbruk and Ivor the Boneless.

So not being one to hang around I started gathering ideas for the first pictures I wanted to work on and so for this I made use of technology that wasn’t available a few years ago when I was last doing composites … Adobe Firelfy AI and the ‘Text to Image’ technology.

This is such an incredibly useful piece of technology for coming up with concepts by simply writing your idea.

So using the Generate Image function in Photoshop I wrote …

Viking with beard and plaited hair and holding an axe stood on cliff looking down onto the sea

… and this is just some of the results that were created …

Now with images of what ideas I had in my head it was so much easier to first of all message my friend Simon Fowler aka Foxy and send him a picture of what I wanted to create of him as a Viking.

Then it was time to source the appropriate clothing for Foxy to wear, and for that I headed to Marigold Costumes in Cardiff and arranged to meet Simon and another friend Anthony Crothers there.

I’ve used Marigold Costumes a few times in the past for other photo shoots as there’s such a huge choice of costumes, and sure enough within no time we’d sorted out what was needed …

With clothing sorted it was then just a few days until the gang were all together in the studio for the photo shoot.

Here’s a look at the set up for the first image which is the one where the Viking will be looking down from the cliffs onto the sea below …

Doing this using the LED Constant Lights made it so much easier for everyone to see what was being captured … before it wss captured. It also made setting up so incredibly easy.

kit used:

To the front of Foxy I used the light and soft box combination below …

This was used to mimic the light / highlights coming from the sun.

Now when it comes to composting, I was always someone that liked to get the backgrounds first and then photograph the model / subject. I did this because having the background first meant I then had a light style and direction to mimic in the studio.

However I knew where I was going to photograph the background location … Hartand Quay in North Devon.

This is a location I have been to many times and know really well. It’s perfect for the picture I had in mind. I also had a good idea of where the sun would be located at a certain time of day which is why I positioned the light as I did to the front of Foxy.

I did check using the PhotoPills App though just to be sure …

And here’s one of the ‘out of camera’ shots, which as you can see shows that I also photographed Foxy against a grey background.

The reason for this is two-fold; firstly it contrasts against Foxy so makes it easier to cut him out later in Photoshop. Secondly, because it enables me to capture the real cast shadows, and being grey gives me the option of using a blend mode later in Photoshop to retain them and have them appear in the final composite rather than me paint them in …

The background / scene

As for the background I intend to add the photograph of Foxy into, I headed over to Hartland Quay over this past weekend with my friend Brian Dukes.

Conditions ended up being perfect with the clouds and incoming tide, and in addition to getting the shots I wanted, it made for a great day hanging out with a close friend in a fabulous location …

back to the studio

Anyway, back to the studio, there was one more shot I wanted and that was with Foxy stood facing directly towards the camera. I had an idea of creating a movie poster type of picture.

the set up

For this picture I changed the set up having rim lighting on either side of Foxy and a single light infront …

I really should get another 1x4 Softbox to use for the rim lighting, but as it happened, just using the 3x4 softbox and positioning it facing directly across the back of Foxy and him slightly forward worked out just fine. The other 1x4 I positioned on the opposite side, again facing directly across the back of Foxy.

The light directly to the front of Foxy was another Westcott L60-B Bi Color LED and this one was in a Westcott Rapid Box Switch Medium Octa (36”).

With it being on a C-Stand and on a boom, it was easy to get the camera on the tripod directly below so the light was on camera axis.

Here’s the out of camera photograph …

And below is the final edit.

Genuinely loved working on this adding textures, shadows on the background, dodging and burning, lighting effects, colour grading and creating the text from scratch along with the glow from the fire below and the sparks.

It was so much fun seeing how the updates can help with what I’m doing such as using Adobe Express for the fire and sparks and also Generative Fill AI to change the look of the axe head. Loved it!

So that’s my new Viking Series officially started and I cannot wait to get working on the other picture from this photoshoot.

Needless to say I’ll share it once finished. I’ll also look at creating some tutorial walk-throughs going through all of the retouching for both.

It sure feels good to be back doing this kind of work 😃 and as always a BIG thank you to my ever supportive friends … Ian Munro, Foxy, Anthony Crothers, Gerwyn Williams and Brian Dukes.


Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Photographer and Digital Artist Uli Staiger and go Behind the Scenes to discover the WHAT, HOW and WHY that goes into creating his Digital Masterpieces that defy reality!

links mentioned in the video:

DEFINITELY check out Uli’s Bēhance page to see the ‘Making Of’ for his images …

Slideshow / Promo I made for Uli’s Guest Appearance

Portrait using a 55mm Prime and LED Lighting

I’m currently trying out a new portrait style for me using a different lens focal length than what I’ve used for a while now, and also adding in an additonal light to my usual one-light set up.

For some time I’ve used the Sony 85mm G Master lens with my Sony A7RIV and have and still do love it for the quality and sharpness of the files it produces. However I’m now going to be using a 55mm focal length … my Zeiss f/1.8 Prime Lens.

It’s hard to put into words what I’m really liking about the look the lens gives … it’s just different. Some would say that it gives a much more realistic ‘as the eyes see it’ look but I guess that also depends on how close to the subject you position yourself.

I also like how the focal length means you’re much closer to the subject, making the portraits much more intimate and revealing of the person being photographed ... if that makes sense.

I’m also, like I said, using an additional light with this new look I’m working on; both of which are LED Constant lights.

I’ve been using the 60W Westcott L60-B COB LED for a while now but a few days ago I received the new 120W L120-B COB LED; a slightly bigger unit with the advnatage that no adaptor is needed to fit any of my light modifiers.

So the portrait of my friend Anthony above, I took using one of the grey walls in my office as the background; here’s the set up showing the positon of the lights …


Westcott L60-B COB LED fitted with a square Westcott Pocket Box Softbox rear and camera right and positioned so that it added both a bit of light onto the background but also a hint of light onto the camera right side of Anthony’s head.

Westcott L120-B COB LED fitted with the 24” Rapid Box Switch Softbox

Westcott 2-in-1 Reflector (silver and White) with silver side uppermost

*NOTE: If you’re looking to invest in Westcott Kit, then give me a shout and I’ll pass on a Discount Code

Westcott L120-B COB LED

Westcott 24” Rapid Box Switch Beauty Dish

Westcott Pocket Box Speedlight Softbox Kit

camera settings

  • Aperture: f/5.6

  • Shutter Speed: 1/60sec

  • ISO: 1250

When taking Anthony’s portrait I was experimenting with different apertures to see hat I prefered for this new look; f/2.0 , f,4.0 , f/5.6 and actually liked the look of f/40 as with the 55m lens it gave a great depth of field with the tip of the nose in foucs and then from the ears losing focus.

However, I mistakenly left the camera in f/5.6 so during the retouching in Lightroom I used the Lens Blur to convincingly fake the depth of the field.

retouching in lightroom

The portrait I retouched using only Lightroom and I’ve added it into my Lightroom Community Profile Page

When you go to my Lightroom Community Profile Page, click on the portrait and this will then take you to where you can see all of the retouching steps I did to the ‘out of camera’ file. You can also save the settings as a preset to use on your own images and even click on Remix to get access to a Smart Preview of my original file and have a go at retouching it yourself.

Drawing and Animating Movie Magic with Oscar Nominated Artist and Director Aaron Blaise

Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast Special as I chat with Oscar Nominated Animator and Director Aaron Blaise and discuss his carrer working at Disney on movies such as Lion King, Pocahontas, Brother Bear and Aladdin; more recent animation projects and go Behind the Scenes and get an Exclusive look into his latest short film project, Snow Bear.

links mentioned in the video:

Aaron’s Website:

Aaron’s Tutorials / Lessons: ( LINK )

Aaron’s Brushes and Texture Sets (Photoshop): ( LINK )

Aaron’s Art and Merchandise: ( LINK )

The Bear and the Hare - John Lewis Christmas Advert 2013: ( LINK )

Talking Lightroom and Photography with Adobe Lightroom Product Manager Katrin Eismann

Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast when I was joined by Adobe Lightroom Product Manager and Photographer, Katrin Eismann as we discuss her process for capturing stunning Travel Photographs, her Personal Projects, kit and also take a look at Lightroom’s latest technology for Photographers and some hints and tips for best results.

links mentioned during the broadcast

Katrin on Instagram: ( @katrin_eismann )

Lightroom Academy:

Adobe Community Forums:

Marc Muench Photography Workshops:

Classic Portraits with Constant Light

Recently I was back with friends in the studio taking portraits, and this time getting Steve in front of my camera to try out some ideas I’d stumbled across when browsing Pinterest that I thought would be another good excuse to get my L60-B constant light out for.


I’ve used Pinterest for years as a great place for not only finding inspiration by looking at the work of photographers I admire like Annie Leibovitz and Mark Seliger, but also a great tool for looking how other photographers pose their subjects, which lets face it can be awkward at times. 

Finding a balance between what you want but also making the pose look natural and the subject comfortable can be challenging to get right but I’ve always found it a massive help when you can guide your subject on what you’re looking for by showing them a picture.

Anyway, these here are some of the looks and poses I was really interested in …

Model for the Day

Model for the day was my dear friend Steve Healy whom I’ve known for years. 

There was a time when for quite a while we’d not met up because of Steve moving away to Devon but I’m glad to say that when we finally made the move to the South West , we’re now able to meet up fairly regularly to just hangout out and take photographs. This we will certainly be doing more and more of!

Anyway, Steve drove over to my house in the morning and then we both jumped into my car and headed to South Wales to catch up with the gang; some of my closest friends which to be honest are more like family … Ian Munro and Anthony Crothers.

This was the first time Steve had met up in person with Ian and Anthony even though I’m sure they felt like they knew each other anyway having messaged back and forth many times on social media and also in the chat room during my Sunday LIVE Broadcasts on YouTube. Needless to say … Steve instantly became ‘one of the gang’ 😃

So after a traditional meet up at Costa in Brynmawr, South Wales to fuel up on coffee, we then went to the studio and cracked on …


So the first portrait I really liked the look of doing was the one inspired by this portrait of Robert De Niro taken by Mark Seliger …

Steve had brought along a dark grey casual suit-type jacket which was ideal. He’d also bought a white shirt to wear underneath but when setting up we all felt that even though you’d only seen a small portion of it, it would be too distracting, so instead Steve kept with the black T-Shirt he was wearing.


For this I portrait as it was to be a fairly tight crop of Steve on one side and just a little bit of ‘dead space’ to the left, the 7’ x 5’ background would be plenty big enough and so this was set up with the rear supporting leg shortened so that the background took up less floor space and could be closer to the wall.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … I absolutely LOVE this light!

I wouldn’t be exaggerating when I say that positioning the light (L60-B) to get the Rembrandt Lighting Pattern 100% BANG ON took just a few seconds; such is the convenience and ease of doing so when using because … What You See Is What You Get

Bottom Left: iPad Pro with Pinterest App open showin the ‘reference’ image

To achieve a quality of light that was neither hard or soft but somewhere in between, and also to minimise the amount of light that would spill onto the background, I opted to use the Westcott 24” Rapid Box Switch Beauty Dish and with the outer diffusion panel fitted.

Westcott 24” Rapid Box Switch Beauty Dish with Outer Diffusion Panel


  • Sony A7RIV

  • Sony 85mm f/4.0 G Master


  • Aperture: F/4.0

  • Shutter Speed: 1/60sec

  • ISO 1250

Once set up and with any light in the studio that wasn’t contributing to the portrait turned off, I could then start taking portraits of Steve but what was really useful here was that everyone could see EXACTLY what the shots would be like without having to look at the back of my camera each time or look at my iPad Pro that I was tethering to; again because What You See Is What You Get

Studio lights and ‘any’ lights not contributing to the portrait turned off.

This made it so easy for anyone who wanted to make a suggestion and move in to maybe get Steve to angle himself differently or change the position of a hand.

It just worked and worked so incredibly well, making EVERYONE feel involved.


Here’s the out of camera Raw file …

Original Raw file in Adobe Lightroom Classic


Here’s the final retouched image which was worked on using both Lightroom and Photoshop …

Final Retocuhed Portrait


Here’s a summary of the retouching steps carried out in both Lightroom Classic and Photoshop …


  • Straighten & Crop

  • Colour Correction*

  • Denoise

  • Masking (Enhance eyes - Iris and Pupil only)

*Had to do this manually as ‘somehow’ I forgot to use my Colour Checker Passport … Doh!


  • Clean Up

  • Dodge & Burn

  • 2010

  • Dreamy Glow (20%)


  • Colour (CN16)

  • Color Mixer (Reduce Orange & Red Saturation on Steve’s face)

  • Masking (Radial Gradient to Shape Light)

  • Masking Exposure on Face

  • Add Grain


For the 2nd portrait of Steve, this was the photograph I used as the initial inspiration / idea …

For this we went with the exact same set up albeit positioning the light camera left this time as opposed to camera right as it was for the first portrait.

Below is what the set up looked like before turning off the lights in the studio that weren’t contributing to the portrait …

Using the single L60-B coming in from high up and angled down produced exactly the lighting that was wanted (below) however I felt that the shadow side of Steve’s head was a touch too dark …

To add a touch more light onto the shadow side of Steve’s head, rather than use a 2nd L60-B we just used a Silver Reflector which also had a white side to it, however between the two surfaces, the silver side gave the best result …


Here’s the ‘out of camera’ Raw file …

Out of Camera Raw file in Lightroom Classic


Here’s the final retouched image which was worked on using both Lightroom Classic and Photoshop …

Final Retouched Portrait

lightroom classic and photoshop

Retouching steps in both Lightroom Classic and Photoshop were pretty much the same as in the first portrait, however there was one very definite difference.

When taking the 2nd portrait, we all felt that although Steve sitting on a stool worked, it did make him look a little squashed because of the height of the stool he was sitting on and also how his jacket sat, so we also tried a few shots with Steve standing …

With Steve standing it definitely stopped him looked squashed, however when looking at the images later in Lightroom Classic I was torn because I liked the pose and expression on Steve’s face from the seated shots.

So now in the retouching I was thinking I could either (a) do a head swap or (b) do the opposite of a technique I used to do when photographing physiques … and that’s what I chose to do.


Here’s a short video showing exactly what I did in Photoshop to reduce / remove the ‘squashed’ look …


Following the photo shoot we all the headed over to Abergavenny for what was a delicious bite to eat at The Angel … THANK YOU Steve!

So there you go, all of the steps that I went through from the initial idea, the kit, the set up and the final edit.

As always if you have any questions / comments, please do make use of the section below and I’ll be sure to reply.

Oh and don’t forget, if you’re interested in getting ANY of the Westcott kit including lighting, modifers, backgrounds etc then drop me a line as I’ll be able to give you a Discount Code for 10% OFF


Cinematic Portrait using Constant LED Light

Last weekend I was back with friends Ian Munro and Anthony Crothers in South Wales filming more content for the update to my TIMELESS Photography and Retouching Course, but in addition to this managed to grab some extra portraits too.

The vintage clothing Anthony was wearing was for the TIMELESS Update and was provided by a great ccompany called Marigold Costumes who provide clothing and props to the TV and Movie Industry and whilst he was there collecting it, also picked up a ‘Grandad Shirt’ and a set of braces.

The set up above was what I was using for the TIMELESS Update and that consisted of …

  • Westcott X-Drop Pro Background Support System

  • Westcott 8’ x 8’ X-Drop Vintage Grey by Glyn Dewis (Material)

  • L60-B 60W Bi Colour LED

  • Westcott Rapid Box Switch 4’ x 3’ Softbox

  • Westcott Silver Reflector

The constant light I am absolutely loving! So much so infact I’ve now added a 2nd light to my kit with a 3rd on the way to give me more options for a new portrait series I’m going to be working on.

The portrait above is one that I took of anthony in-between filming segments for Timeless, and for this the set up was pretty much the same other than one addition.

Here’s what the ‘Out of Camera’ shot looks like when just using the L60-B LED and Softbox coming in from camera right …

At the time of this photo shoot I didn’t have a 2nd L60-B so instead I used the modelling light from my Westcott FJ200 strobe, and this worked a treat when fitted with the included reflector and honeycomb grid.

This was aimed behind Anthony from camera left so that just the soft outer portion of the light brushed past the side of his head.

Aiming the light past Anthony so that only the outer portion of the light hit him, meant the light will be soft unlike the portion of light nearer the centre. Also, doing this meant the softness of the light from the 4’ x 3’ softbox and the FJ200 matched.

A silver reflector was also positioned camera left just out of shot to bounce a bit of light onto Anthony’s shoulder and upper back nearest the camera because without it, there was very little detail.

As for the light you can see coming into the portrait from the top left, this was added very simply in Photoshop using a soft white brush and this I did so that the highlight on the side of Anthony’s head (camera left) made sense … if you know what I mean.

Below is a lighting diagram to give you an idea how the set up looked …

My favourite image from this quick portrait shoot is defintely the one above, but I did also grab this one with a wider field of view and slightly different pose and feel due to the chair having been turned around …

Using the exact same set up I also took a portrait of Ian, but with him standing instead of sitting …

I’m so looking forward to pushing on with a new portrait series using the L60-B LEDs ; there’s lots more to come so I’ll make sure to share what I get up to and grab plenty of Behind the Scenes.

I hope this breakdown is in some way useful and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop them in the comment section and I’ll make sure to reply.


• Note
As part of the retouching on these portraits I made use of my Dark & Moody Lightroom / Camera Raw preset at 20% strength, and this you can download for FREE when you subscribe to my twice-monthly newsletter