
The Lone Tree and my Drone - An Obsession

This tree has become a bit of an obsession.

I first noticed it when helping friends move home. They didn’t move far. Just further down the lanes in Mid Devon but to a beautiful new spot. So incredibly peaceful. The silence only broken by the sound of the wildlife and that’s to be relished.

It was when driving through the lanes on the back and forth trips I saw the tree high up on a hill, all alone. Couldn’t decide if it felt proud or lonely. It was screaming out to be photographed though.

With it being across a ploughed field perched on top of a hill in another field and quite some distance from the lane I’d stopped in, there was no way to get close on foot. But then I do have a drone. That could work.

I was thinking of maybe doing a long exposure with the clouds over the top of the tree but I’ve lost count how many times I’ve headed over when I thought conditions were right. It’s only a short drive. Well 30 minutes-ish from home but incredible how in such a short journey the conditions can change. Maybe that’s just a Devon thing.

I tried an evening shot with the setting sun but got there a little too late. Didn’t work out too bad though I guess.

Then followed several more aborted missions.

The other day though things started to slot into place.

Blue skies. Fluffy white clouds. No wind. Well…very little.

Using my DJI Air 2S Drone, I took off vertical from where I’d parked up to make sure there were no livestock over the other side hill. Didn’t want to disturb them or worse still…scare them.

All clear.

Set the drone to take 5 Raw photographs at 5 different exposures. Made a HDR image in Lightroom.

Originally thought about just including the tree and the arc of the hill.

Changed my mind and included part of the ploughed field.

Glad I did.

Edited the resulting file in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Finished off with one ‘look’ using Topaz Studio 2.

Hope you like it.

I’ll do a Behind the Scenes video showing this on my YouTube Channel.

Blackchurch Rock, North Devon - One Year Ago

Can't believe it's a year now since I took this picture of Blackchurch Rock near Bude, North Devon, which means it's just over a year ago that I started getting out and trying landscape photography.

Needless to say I've literally fallen in love with it; out in the fresh air, exploring and as a bonus being able to capture it in my camera. As is the case with landscape / seascape, not every trip ends up with an image...but who cares?!? I just love the experience of it all and making some great, like minded friends along the way.

Not often I'm on the receiving end of the camera when out and about but when Heathcliff O’Malley suggests taking your portrait, it's a done deal. One of my faves that I can look at and instantly recall being there.

Great times and very excited about experiences the coming weeks, months and years will bring. Especially looking forward to heading back to Blackchurch Rock and seeing how I'll approach it, one year further on into my Landscape Photography Journey...

Using my Drone to take Photographs of Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset

Over the moon with all the results from taking photographs with my drone (DJI Air 2S) at Lyme Regis, Dorset. The light was incredible and the conditions couldn't have been better!

Being a morning person, setting an alarm for 4am and heading out, definitely has its advantages…

Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset

Lyme Regis is a place that's quite special to Anne and me. So many great memories of times when we first starting holidaying in Devon and visiting River Cottage and would always pop down the road and over the border to Dorset to get a 'fix' of sea air and our tradition of a bag of chips on the matter the weather.

As a Portrait Photographer, I've always found it fascinating how moving around your subject, once you have placed the light, can give so many different looks...from the same set up.

Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset

The same can definitely be said for landscape / seascape as this photograph I took of Lyme Regis in Dorset yesterday with my drone was taken moments after the first one I posted ... the same height but with a shift to the right, further back and changing the angle of the camera.

This panorama of Lyme Regis, Dorset consists of 24 photographs taken with my drone and then blended together in Photoshop…

Completely BLOWN AWAY with the quality of the file; so bloomin' happy

Sunrise Panorama at Lyme Regis in Dorset

Couldn’t resist some top down shots too…

Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset
Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset
Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset
Sunrise at Lyme Regis in Dorset

I remember a few years ago, Joe McNally relaying a story of a portrait assignment that he went on and once finished and kit packed away, upon leaving, the owner's cat appeared and jumped up onto his owner's shoulder; Joe quickly grabbed a few frames with his camera that he'd kept to hand and THAT was the picture that ended up being used.

Not quite the same, but this picture from yesterday made me think of Joe's story. Once I'd landed the drone on some Beach Hut Decking having taken the pictures I wanted, I then started to pack away and just happened to glance at the screen on the remote controller and saw this…

Sunrise and Beach Huts at Lyme Regis in Dorset

Roll on the next flight!

EPIC FAIL: My First Photo Shoot of 2022

EPIC FAIL: My First Photo Shoot of 2022

All smiles now but could have been a very different story…

Got up early today for the 3.5 hour drive to Whiteford (Gower Peninsula, South Wales) to photograph the Victorian Lighthouse.

Having arrived at the nearest car park it was then just over a 3 mile walk across boggy wetland / marsh and forest to get to the beach…

How to quickly create Autumn using Photoshop

How to quickly create Autumn using Photoshop

I guess we have to accept now (certainly here in the UK) that the summer months are well and truly gone, but without feeling too down in the dumps, there’s the magic of Autumn to look forward to bringing with it a change in the trees to beautiful burnt oranges, yellows and reds.

In the mean time though, if you’re feeling a little impatient, here’s a REALLY quick technique in Photoshop for creating an Autumn scene plus adding in a dreamy glow…

Photographic Filters: Now an ESSENTIAL Addition to my Camera Bag

Photographic Filters: Now an ESSENTIAL Addition to my Camera Bag

A few years ago I attempted a landscape photography project, and me being me, that meant buying investing in some kit I’d had no call for until then as a portrait photographer, such as filters. The brand I opted for, and that everyone seemed to mention at the time, was Lee.

I purchased a number of Graduated Neutral Density (ND) Filters, Reverse ND Filters, Polarisers, Big Stopper, Little Stopper and so on, obviously in addition to the filter holding system, carry case and all.

The landscape photography venture didn’t really go much further than one photograph, but to be fair that was mainly because my 39-45 Portraits Project picked up a heck of a pace and took over.

Fast forward to March 2020 when circumstances dictated that I give the landscape stuff another try. I ventured out a few times taking along my Lee Filters but very soon they took a back seat, stayed on a shelf in my office and never saw the light of day.

Photography saved me during the Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

Photography saved me during the Covid 19 Pandemic Restrictions

It’s fair to say that the Covid 19 Pandemic has affected each and every one of us in one way or another; be it with the loss of a loved one, a friend, or how the restrictions placed upon us have affected our everyday lives.

I can only talk about how it’s affected me, or rather how it could have affected. Now I say ‘could have’ because I know what I’m like and I know, that even with no pandemic to contend with, I’m the kind of person that gets restless and agitated if I’m not constantly working on something new.

As a Portrait Photographer, pre March 2020 it was easy. I had portraits to take and I had my 39-45 Portraits Project which in all honesty, I’m happy to say

COVID Restrictions made me a Better Photographer

It might sound odd to say this but I honestly believe that Covid-19 Restrictions placed upon our daily lives, have actually made me a Better Photographer.

Before March 2019, the only time I would have my camera in my hands was for taking a portrait. As a Portrait Photographer I just wasn’t interested in other genres. 

However, this all changed and I explain all in this video.

Hope you like it,