EPIC FAIL: My First Photo Shoot of 2022

All smiles now but could have been a very different story…

Got up early today for the 3.5 hour drive to Whiteford (Gower Peninsula, South Wales) to photograph the Victorian Lighthouse.

Having arrived at the nearest car park it was then just over a 3 mile walk across boggy wetland / marsh and forest to get to the beach.

Having arrived at the beach at low tide I then walked out across the shell and rock laden ground for about 600 metres to get a good composition of the lighthouse…which looked both incredible and eery with its sea battered grey cast iron plates.

I set up, took a few test shots and then bam! Out of no where a mild, dry day turned into a downpour. No spits of rain giving early warning, just…wallop! Rain so heavy I couldn’t see the shoreline I’d just walked out from. I hurriedly gathered my kit together. Turned to open my camera bag and then out of no where, a strong gust of wind appeared that sent my camera, filter and tripod flying onto the rocks

I gathered it up but noticed no impact marks or bits broken off or where they shouldn’t have been; stuffed it into my camera bag and made my way as quick as I could across the rocks back to the shore and cover of the forest. Checked the camera…seemed fine. Put on my camera bag / rucksack again and began the 3 and a bit mile walk back to my car.

By now though, because of the heavy rain, the wetland / marsh was even wetter and boggier than before now wading through mud that at times was up to my mid calf.

Finally back at the car. Stripped off the wet clothes and put on my waterproofs that I didn’t have time to put on earlier; I was already soaked through from the sudden heavy downpour.

A ‘testing’ time made all the better by my mate Anthony Crothers driving out from home to meet me at a motorway services for a warming coffee, light snack and a chat.

Finally home. Kit unpacked. Clothes in the wash, and best of all…

  • Sony A7RIV Camera…Perfect

  • Sony 70-200mm Lens…Perfect

  • H&Y Filter…Perfect

How lucky do I feel Certainly feels like someone was definitely looking out for me

Oh and yet again I’m reminded why I use the kit I do; not because I’m paid to but because it does what it’s supposed to when I need it to. Never lets me down, and as today shows…it’s also tough as nails; although I don’t recommend putting that to test

Only managed to take 4 test shots before the camera and lens took a dive onto the rocks. Thankfully no breakages. The resulting test shot will serve only as a memory of the day; iPhone would have been better :)

If this is the worst photo shoot of the year though, then I’m glad to get it out of the way so early.

Oh and I have to say … Money VERY well spent!

Every part of me was soaked through to the skin yesterday (including my boots) EXCEPT for my feet thanks to these SealSkinz socks!

Not affiliated in any way whatsoever…just bloomin’ happy I had some!