


Here's a COMPLETE MOBILE WORKFLOW showing how I photographed and Edited the iconic Prince of Wales Bridge using just my iPhone and my iPad. I am BLOWN AWAY by the qulity of the file produced and the print which could easily be A2!!! Exciting times in Photography!

Photographing the Iconic Prince of Wales Bridge with my iPhone

A few days ago I met up with my great friend Anthony Crothers at a Café in Bristol to spend some quality time together and also to try photographing the Prince of Wales Bridge that spans 3.2 miles from the South West of England, across the River Severn, to the South East of Wales …

Having seen some photographs of it in a photography book I own, I thought it would be both interesting and a challenge to see what I could capture using just my iPhone 14 Pro Max.

Conditions following a recent storm were perfect with great light and a sky full of clouds, although it was a little on the chilly side and once under the bridge, the wind blowing around caused some initial challenges keeping the phone perfectly still on the tripod.

I’d taken along my new Joby MagSafe Phone Holder which is so incredibly well made, however ended up not being suitable because of the wind causing a little bit of movement …

Instead I resorted to my trusty SmallRig Mobile Phone Cage that locked everything down and held it rock steady …

Lately I’ve been using the Lightroom Mobile App for creating Long Exposures, however that is restricted to a maximum of 5 second long exposures, so instead opted for another App I have on my phone called Even Longer.

This is an incredibly easy app to use with a clean interface and a menu system that is simple and very intuitive.

The set up couldn’t have been easier: dial in the exposure I wanted, choose the length of the long exposure and press the shutter button which then kicked into action after a 3 second delay to ensure no movement.

There’s so many composition opportunities at this location, but my favourite was when I was directly under the bridge to capture all the structure underneath and then the view as the bridge disappears across the River Severn …

To edit the image I intentionally limited myself to using my iPad and the Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop Apps which worked an absolute treat. In fact they made the editing process a joy!

I’m loving the mobile workflow where I can take photographs with my mobile phone and without having to involve memory cards, the images I take are automatically synced to my iPad so that in the comfort of the nearby café I can look through and start editing.

Final Image edited in Lightroom Mobile on my iPad

Once back home, the photographs I’ve taken, along with any images I’ve started editing (and all of the edits) automatically appear on my desktop computer so that I can then check them over on a Colour Calibrated Screen, and then confidently print them out knowing that what I see, is what I get. Such an incredibly portable and convenient workflow … that also gives peace of mind knowing that photographs you take are instantly backed up.

My video this week on my YouTube Channel, will be going Behind the Scenes from this photo shoot, as I show all of the steps involved from taking the photographs, editing in Lightroom Mobile on my iPad, and the final print …

MIND BLOWN 😲 Mobile Phone Photography + LIGHTROOM MOBILE and PHOTOSHOP on the iPad

Taking photographs and editing on a mobile device is incredibly exciting and such a fantastic workflow.

In this video I show you the whole process from capture the long exposurephotographs with my iPhone, to then editing in Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop on the iPad and ending up with a FANTASTIC print.

iPhone Photography of the iconic Portland Bill Lighthouse

Despite temperatures going down to -8, I couldn’t resist heading down to Portland Bill Lighthouse again to catch the incoming tide and hopefully some better light at sunrise.

My GoPro Hero 10 wasn’t having any of it with the batteries immediately losing all power but thankfully my Insta 360 X3 was having no problems, so I did manage to get some Behind the Scenes footage (below)

Here though is my favourite shot from the morning; captured using my iPhone 14 Pro Max and the Lightroom Mobile App camera, and then edited in Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop on my iPad …

I’m absolutely LOVING the mobile workflow.

Being able to take a photograph with my iPhone and then moments later be sat in a nearby café editing the photographs I’ve just taken on my iPad because they’ve automatically synced across, just blows me away.

BUT to then edit in Lightroom and jump back and forth to Photoshop on my iPad too is just so much fun.

It doesn’t stop there though, because when I get home and sit in front of main computer, the images and all of the edits I’ve done are there waiting for me to tweak and finish off if needed.


To add to this, IF I was using my main camera I could have an equally easy and joyful editing experience by simply loading the images off the memory card onto my iPad Pro and into Lightroom Mobile whilst sat in the café … or wherever 😃

Seeing how this has progressed since Lightroom Mobile and Photoshop on the iPad were introduced, genuinely excites the heck out of me! Sure, Lightroom Mobile and especially Photoshop on the iPad don’t have the exact same functionality as the desktop version (yet) … but it’s coming and to be honest, the workarounds aren’t much to figure out anyway.

I’ll be putting a video together for my YouTube Channel showing this soon.

In the mean time though, here’s a 44 second YouTube Short I put together giving a look ‘Behind the Scenes’ of this Portland Bill Lighthouse Photo Shoot …

iPhone Long Exposure at Durdle Door, Dorset

Headed down to Durdle Door in Dorset the other week; just over an hour away so not a long drive, but wow … what a great place.

I met up with my friend Steve Healey with the intention of photographing the sunrise but lack of local knowledge put a stop to that. Little did we know that there’s a gate preventing access that doesn’t open until 9am BUT you can take a short coastalwalk from nearby Lulworth Cove to access the beach and the famous arch … didn’t know that until later in the day though.

Still, we drove off for a while to grab a coffee and came back an hour or so later and got down to take some photographs; Steve with his Fuji and me with my iPhone and SmallRig combo.

Here’s my favourite; a 5 second long expsoure that was taken using the Lightroom Mobile App camera and a quick edit in Lightroom CC and Photoshop …

iPhone Long Exposure at Portland Bill

Since getting the new iPhone 14 Pro Max I’ve been getting out and about as much as possible taking photographs, and this was another of those ventures…

Portland Bill in Dorset; an iconic location with the famous Portland Bill Lighthouse …

I’m using the Lightroom Mobile App more and more. It has a great camera built into it that has both automatic and manual functions as well as a great Long Exposure function. In addition to this any photograph I take with it, is automatically synced with Lightroom CC which means it’s immediately available for me to edit on my desktop or my iPad.

Here’s a long exposure I made of the coastline at Portland with the Lighthouse behind me …

This is actually made up of a series of images that I took one after the other; a one second long exposure but with the waves in different places and each image blended in Photoshop after making the initial edits in Lightroom CC.

Do you own a BenQ SW or PD Display? If so, BenQ have a gift for you 🎁

Whether you’re a photographer, an Illustrator, a Graphic Designer , Video Editor , Retoucher … in fact no matter what you do within the creative industry , you will have definitely heard of Pantone; the World’s leading authority on Professional Colour …

Well, if you own a BenQ Display OR if you buy a new BenQ Display and it’s from their SW or PD range this means as part of BenQ’s Pantone Connect Premium Campaign, you now have One Year FREE access to Pantone Connect Premium which brings benefits to your smart device without the need for cumbersome and expensive equipment like a colorimeter …

Colour is everything … from setting a mood and atmosphere all the way to a feeling and that’s in everything … a movie through to a piece of material and accurate colour and colour that is interpreted correctly.

So what is Pantone Connect Premium

Well basically it enables you to measure and capture colours, be they in digital format or something physical, and by simply using the app you can disvocer what the matching Pantone Colour is from the thousands in their library, discover colour harmonies (i.e. what colours work well with others), create swatches, save them and use them in software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and so on …

This makes working with colour so easy and accessible … and doing so quickly!

Pantone Premium Connect App open on my iPhone and on my BenQ SW321C Display

Imagine seeing a colour and thinking how you’d like to use the exact same colour in a design, maybe you’re looking to capture the colour grading in the Shadows, Midtones and Highlights from a movie you’re watching on your Display (BenQ of course 😃 ) OR maybe you’re restoring an old photograph and colourising clothing and skin tones. Pantone Connect Premium would enable you to very easily sample colour for the clothing and even better than that, the skin tone that you could then add in.

How do I get Pantone connect premium?

Easy! If you have a BenQ Display from the SW or PD range purchased in recent times OR you purchase a new one, all you need to do is to go to the link below fill in your details, BenQ display serial number and then you’ll receive a code (withing 5 days … although mine came through the same day just a short while later) and then you’re good to go 😃

Oh, also there’s some great videos on the Pantone Premium Connect APP and the Pantone Premium Connect website, there’s some grrat videos on there showing all the what, how, why etc …

Enjoy 😉

Long Exposure Sunrise with my iPhone and Lightroom Mobile

This Mobile Phone Photography is addicitve!

A couple of weeks back I headed over to West Bay, Dorset to meet up with my friend Steve Healy and to catch the sunrise.

Taking only my new iPhone 14 Pro Max and SmallRig Univeral Holder, whilst Steve shot away with his Fuji XT-5, I shot using the Lightroom Mobile App and experimented with the long exposure settings.

This is my favourite from our time there before the rain came down and stopped play; still … we were recommended a great café the round corner so alls well that ends well 😃

West Bay, Dorset

iPhone 14 Pro Max
Lightroom Mobile App Camera (Long Exposure)
Edited in Lightroom Mobile on iPhone and iPad

iPhone Photography at Cardiff Bay

Damn! I’m absolutely loving taking photographs and video with my new iPhone 14 Pro Max. The quality jump from my iPhone 11 Pro Max to this latest model is like a night and day difference.

Last week I popped over to Cardiff to catch up with my friendAnthony Crothers and ended up walking around Cardiff Bay.

Such a great place with a great atmosphere and so many cool places to eat and drink.

Inbetween the rain showers I managewd to grab a few photographs with my new iPhone 14 Pro Max along with the SmallRig Universal for Mobile Phones and my new Benro Tripod … my old Manfrotto had become unuseable from Sea Water damage PLUS it was quite heavy.

You can see the kit I mention over on my GEAR PAGE ( LINK )

Anyway, using the Lightroom Mobile App and the Long Exposure function set to 5 seconds, here’s one of my favourites from time there …

I edited this on my iPhone 14 Pro Max in the Lightroom Mobile App whilst waiting for Anthony to pop back, and have created a Preset from this that I’ll be sending out to members of my email group.

Lyme Regis by iPhone

Mornings like this take some beating …

Now that we’ve relocated , our favourite place of all ( Lyme Regis ) is literally just down the road and yesterday morning I headed down early to catch up with a friend (Steve Healy) that I’d not seen for quite some time.

With no agenda other than catching up , we walked along the sea front , sat on a bench looking out to see whilst drinking coffee and eating a delicious pork bap and took the occassional photograph … Steve with his Fuji kit and me with my iPhone.

Here’s a series of photographs taken wth my iPhone 11 Pro Max ( still waiting for the new iPhone 14 Pro Max to be in stock ) and editied in Lightroom Mobile … such a great , convenient combination

Bringing along just a small amount of kit , I also had my Insta 360 One X2 camera with me to capture some video. In a couple of days I have the new X3 arriving so I can’t wait to check out the quality difference.

The great thing about 360 cameras is that nothing gets missed … as you can see here 🤣

Once I get the new iPhone 14 Pro Max I intend to do a lot of photography around this coastlineand maybe look at adding some Lightroom Mobile editing videos on my YouTube Channel because this really is so much fun and makes photography even more accessible for everyone.
