
I received an Award from Save a Life Cymru and NHS Wales

“This certificate is awarded for the instrumental action taken to save the life of another, who required urgent assistance after suffering a cardiac arrest”

The ‘journey’ started in South Wales on Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 5pm in the Car Park of the Three Cliffs Café overlooking a stunning coastline and what was to be one final coffee before the drive home after a great couple of days photography ; the ‘journey’ ended yesterday, Friday 21st February 2025 at the Wales Air Ambulance Base in Llanelli.

Honoured to receive this Award from NHS Wales and Save a Life Cymru but even more so, Incredibly Grateful and Relieved that it was presented to me by my dear friend Anthony

In a world where it can seem there is so much negativity, it is incredibly moving to see so many people whom you’ve never met before, people who don’t know you, pull together and show genuine love, concern and commitment to do whatever they can to help … and at the most serious and critical of times.

When so many would turn the other way and, for whatever reason, choose not to get involved, it is truly a wonderful act of humanity that there are those ordinary people who will do the extraordinary and step forward

By its very nature, the unexpected will happen when you least expect it. It might involve a stranger but it might involve a friend, a loved one and it could be YOU that fate calls on to step forward in some way.

No matter how scary, no matter how uncomfortable, no matter how much that little voice inside your head is telling you to not get involved … TAKE THAT STEP.

On October 9th last year … humanity well and truly stepped forward and I will be eternally grateful to one person in particular who despite his fears stepped beside me to help and was there for the duration doing what I was telling him and needed him to do.

There were others too that went above and beyond when they didn’t have to, but chose to, and to meet them again yesterday was wonderful and a day I WILL NEVER FORGET.

LOVE CONQUERS ALL … I’ve witnessed it. I’ve experienced it !!!

Anthony’s wife Elaine has also set up a JustGiving Page to help raise funds for the Wales Air Ambulance Charitable Trust where she explains a little more of what happened; you can check that out using this LINK

How to Print Course Zoom / LIVE Broadcasts

I’ve recently set up a Facebook Group for folks that have enroled in my HOW TO PRINT course and am really happy to see how quickly it is growing.

It’s so good to see folks sharing images, members jumping in and answering questions and also reading some incredible feedback from folks finally getting great results with their printing.

For this group I have now started running Zoom / LIVE Broadcasts and will be doing so each month, and adding extras in if there is some important new / updates to pass on.

However I do appreciate that not everyone chooses to use Facebook, and so to ensure thst no-one misses out and is able to watch the sessions, I have now created a section within the HOW TO PRINT course titled HTP Facebook Group Zoom / LIVE Broadcast Recordings. This is where I will upload the recordiongs each time into the course so that folks can stream / weatch them. I also include a document that outlines what topics were covered during that particular Zoom / LIVE Broadcast.


Watch this recording of a LIVE Broadcast following the launch of my long awaited HOW TO PRINT course for a Behind the Scenes look at what went into making the course content, tips, additonal learning and Q&A

Well my HOW TO PRINT course has officially launched, and I don't care whether it's right or wrong to say this but ... "I'm Bloomin Proud of myself"

As of today the course has over 7 hours of content which, I hasten to add, is the least amount of content that there will ever be as I'm looking forward to keeping this well and truly up to date for everyone that has and does enroll.

The support I've had has been incredible from close friends and people across the industry being willing, sometimes at short notice, to open their company doors and allow me in to do some filming and also them jumping on to a video conference to record an interview covering a certain topic relating to printing.

SPECIAL THANKS goes to Dominic Gurney from Epson UK who as well as freely sharing his vast knowledge has driven considerable mileage (more than once) to pass on some kit for me to use.

Everyone at Permajet for their constant support from Day 1 when I was planning this course. Inviting me into their offices, filming, lunch, paper, interviews and so much more. Outstanding!

Dr Chris Bai from BenQ whom I'm proud to call a friend and everyone at BenQ; always there and always willing to help and provide support. When I first met Dr Bai he said that his purpose was to educate me about colour and display technology and he sure has!

The BRILLIANT people at Digitalab who invited up to their offices for 2 days when I first started working on the course. Nothing was and is too much trouble for them and for that and all they do I am so incrediby grateful.

The great folks at Calibrite for helping out in so many ways providing kit, promotion, technical advice and information and always reaching out to see if I need any support.

Trevor Williams of West Street Picture Framing who opened his shop on a day it was ordinarily closed just so that I could do some filming of him showing how to correctly add a print onto backing board and add them into a mount for display.

MASSIVE thank you to everyone that has Pre Ordered the Course so far. I'm genuinely blown away at the response but also at the trust placed in me to provide a course that you're willing to hand over some of your hard earned money for. It is VERY much appreciated. (your course content will be available from 6pm UK today)

... and finally my wife Anne who does everything she can to make it easier for me to get on with getting on. Because of her support I don't have to think about anything other than getting this done and hand on heart I wouldn't have been able to get it finished and produced what I have without her.

This might sound a bit dramatic ... I mean it's 'only' a course that I've put together but heck, I've worked hard on this. I wanted to make this THE go-to course for printing so that others can get their share of the pleasure I get when seeing an image that you took the time and effort to get out and capture, retouch and finally hold in your hands.

"The ART doesn't end at the EDIT"

I have a Print FOR SALE in a local Picture Framers 😃

Now THIS is a BIG DEAL for me because I’m primarily a Portrait Photographer and only started taking photographs of landscapes and seascapes during the Covid Pandemic … because I couldn’t take portraits.

So to now have a print FOR SALE in a local Picture Framers ( West Street Picture Framing in Axminster, Devon ) feels FANTASTIC 😃

This all came about just last week when I was with the owner of the Framers, Trevor Williams, as he very kindly gave up his own time to open on a day when ordinarily he’d be closed so that we could film him for my upcoming HOW TO PRINT course, showing how to put prints onto backing board for display and also how to put prints into a mount.

Now I’ve been very fortunate over the years to have had my images appear in magazines, books and on television but the thrill never decreases and seeing the framed print FOR SALE and on display in the shopfront window was such a good feeling.

I'd never considered selling prints because landscape and seascape is not something I’m known for because like I said I’m primarily a Portrait Photographer, so yeah it feels great that Trevor would suggest doing so; he also took care of everything with regards the printing and framing which unsurprisingly looks wonderful.

Of course the icing on the cake would be seeing it sell, so I’ll keep you posted 😉

*Check out my PORTFOLIO to see other examples of my Landcape / Seascape images

Times Square by Bert Monroy | I'll Treasure this FOREVER!

This I will treasure forever !

Loving having this VERY special print on the wall in my 'temporary' office ; "Times Square, New York" Drawn and Painted using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator by my friend, the INCREDIBLE Bert Monroy …

It’s hard to put into words how much it means to have this ; an iconic piece of art created by Bert … someone I followed from Day 1 when first I started out using Photoshop. I’ve learned so much from him that I used back when I would do more compositing work but that are techniques I still turn to today when retouching my photography.

Having presented on the same stage as Bert and having travelled to present at different locations around the world with him, I am both honoured and blessed to call him a friend.


To see a close up of “Times Square” have a watch of this recording of a LIVE Broadcast I hosted with Bert as my Guest where he zooms in and out showing all of the details and explains some of the techniques used to create the final piece …

Newsletter Subscriber-Only Video Tutorials

Pretty much every week I host LIVE Broadcasts on my YouTube Channel and I really enjoy doing these; great guests, great interaction and I thrive on the buzz of being LIVE.

I also from time to time add some pre-recorded content onto my YouTube Channel such as short form tutorials, product reviews and so on … as I have done for years.

My new Newsletter seems to be really well received with it going out twice a month, but the one thing that I’ve not been 100% happy with about it, is that the information I include isn’t exclusive … so this I’m changing.

From now on with each Newsletter I am including Newsletter Subscriber-Only video tutorials; video tutorials that won’t be shared on my YouTube Channel or anywhere else for that matter.

I don’t take it for granted that people choose to subscribe and receive my FREE Newsletter especially when our inboxes get enough thrown at them each day anyway, and that there’s so many other people with the own newsletters too.

So I want / need to thank people, make it exclusive and give people a reason to firstly subscribe but secondly and most importantly, continue to do so. THIS is why my focus and how I feel about my YouTube Channel has shifted.

Don’t get me wrong, I love creating and sharing on YouTube, especially the LIVE content, and I will continue to do so, however my priority is that of people who choose to subscribe to my Newsletter and it’s for those people I will be putting all my effort into creating useful, timely, creative content for.

This content will, like I said, be short form Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom based video tutorials and also the occasional Newsletter Subscriber-Only Webinars, and the first one is available NOW …

In the first Newsletter Subscriber-Only video I go through my NEW Lightroom Portrait Retouching Workflow concentrating specifically on how I now do the Dodging (Lightening) and Burning (Darkening) side of things to give portraits much more depth and shape.

Oh and another BIG advantage of them being EXCLUSIVE and not on my YouTube Channel is that there are NO ANNOYING ADS! 😃

So, if you’d like to subscribe to my FREE Twice-Monthly Newsletter, be part of the community, keep updated, receive discounts and get access to subscriber-only tutorials / content, you can do so by simply adding your email address in the pop-up that might have appeared whilst you’ve been here, on the home page OR by clicking on the button below.

Hopefully see you there,

The Photography and Video Show Podcast - Episode 14 (Adobe Terms of Service, Subscriptions and the 39-45 Portraits Project)

Episode 14 of The Photography Show Podcast is NOW available to stream / download and in this episode I was invited in to speak with host David McClelland (Technology Reporter and TV Presenter regularly seen on the BBC OneShow, Watchdog, Crimewatch and Rip-Off Britain) about the recent Adobe Terms of Use / Service and also the Lawsuit in the USA regarding Subscriptions.

Preparing for this I did A LOT of research and reading other Software Providers Terms of Use / Service made VERY interesting reading

In the latter part of the podcast episode we also discussed my 39-45 World War 2 Veterans Portraits Project and how / why it was the BIGGEST learning ground for me as a Photographer.

Adobe SIMPLIFIED Terms of Service - June 18th 2024

To help with understanding the recently released Terms of Service by Adobe and the following uproar, on Tuesday 18th June 2024, Adobe released a more simplified worded version that goes on to explain what all of the legal terminolgy REALLY means …


Simplified Terms of Service: ( LINK )

Terry White Video: ( LINK )

Jason Levine on X: ( LINK )

Paul Trani on Instagram: ( LINK )

* Note: For the video released prior to this CLICK HERE

Adobe Terms of Service - June 2024 | FACTS NOT CLICKBAIT

Adobe recently updated their Terms of Service, however how this was done and the wording used did cause quite a strong reaction across the internet.

Some people took to posting videos with clickbait titles that served only to incite anger and unneccesarily spread worry across the creative community … and ultimately result in them gaining large view counts.

useful links

  • Clarification on Adobe’s Terms of Service: ( LINK )

  • What to know about Adobe’s Terms of Service Update (10th June 2024) ( LINK )

  • Adobe Privacy Policy: ( LINK )

  • Manage your Adobe Management Information Preferences: ( LINK )

  • Adobe Content Analysis FAQ / How Adobe uses Machine Learning: ( LINK )

  • Adobe General Terms of Use: ( LINK )

Spirit of Normandy 80th Anniversary D-Day Landings Commemorative Journal

With the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings fast approaching, I’m incredibly honoured and proud that portraits from my 39-45 World War2 Veterans Portraits Project were chosen to appear in the Spirit of Normandy 80th Anniversary D-Day Landings Official Commemorative Journal …

Top Row: Laurie Weeden, Allan Scott, Stan Swansborough
Bottom Row: Bob Stoodley, Ted Owens, Gordon Drabble, Victor Urch

The purpose of the project was primarily my way of giving back to the Veterans but also to Honour, Remember and to Educate and so seeing the portraits in such a publication, a personal copy of which will be given to King Charles, is wonderful and serves again to keep the memory of these incredible people alive as their names will be seen and read by those who look through the pages.

Cyril Stanley Ford

Should anyone wish to have a copy of the journal, drop me a message using my CONTACT PAGE and I can then put you in touch with the Editor in Chief who will be able to help you out.