The X-Drop Pro also has larger backgrounds measuring 8’ x 8’ and 8’ x ‘12 but the X-Drop Pro can still be fitted with the 5’ x 7’ and 5’ x 12’ backgrounds, be they on a roll or foldable material. based.
On the topic of material backgrounds, Westcott now have their printed backgrounds, which ordinarily came on canvas or vinyl, available now on foldable, machine washable and dryer resistant.
This to me, dare I say, is a Game Changer because although the previous X-Drop Background System was portable, this new one is even more so despite being bigger when installed, because of the foldable material backgrounds.
My signature ‘Glyn Dewis Vintage Grey’ which has proven incredibly popular is available on foldable material and in all is`es: 5’ 7’ , 5’ x 12’ , 8’ x 8’ and 8’ x 12’
If you’ve used or seen the X-Drop system in the past, you will see a BIG difference with the now Pro version.
Way to go Westcott!