

Here’s the recording of a LIVE Stream I did on both YouTube and Facebook recently.

If you’ve ever struggled with printing your images, in this LIVE Broadcast I show the simple settings no matter what software you use BUT how different software can produce VERY different results …

BIG thanks goes to my friend Stewart Wood for sending over the image used in the LIVE Broadcast.

Wales and West Photography Show 2023

Last Friday (16th June) I was at the Wales and West Photography Show, held at the International Convention Centre in South. Wales, presneting on behalf of Permajet

This was the 2nd year of the show, and my first time being there and loved every minute! Such a great venue and so well organised with a great hall of vendors, stands and stage / presentation area.

Nothing was too much trouble. Smiling faces an d helpful staff from. the Camera Centre UK but also from staff at the Convention Centre. There was always someone noticing if you were ok or not, maybe needed pointing in the right direction and so on. Also outside, a great refreshements area.

My talk / presentation was going thorugh how to get “Perfect Prints” so taking folks through how to correctly calibrate their displays and also explaining what certain settings mean, what settings to use in your printing software (Lightroom, Photoshop etc) and then paper choice.

This was a brand new presentation I’d put together for the show including the new Palette Master Ultimate Software from BenQ, which allowed me to go through settings clearly and that translated into other calibration software. Feedback after and since has been wonderful, so thank you if you were there!

Thank you to my friend Steve Healy for grabbinh these shots during my presentation

Thanks once again to Permajet, in particular Adam Hinchcliffe who not only was working incredibly hard on the stand but sorted everything out so that on the day I literally had nothing to think about other than my presentation. Also, Abi Symons who had done a fantastic job printing out some of my images on various papers, so that they could be on display on the stand over the 3 days and folks there could cleasrly see the benefits of certain paper types.)

If this was just the 2nd year of the Wales and West Photography Show then I can’t wait for next year. It’s definitely one to add into the diary!

The Wales and West Photography Show 2023

Looking forward to speaking at the "WALES and WEST PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW" at the International Convention Centre Wales on Friday 16th June …

Sponsored by Permajet I’ll be covering everything Printing; well, when I say everything I mean …

“Achieving a print that matches what we see on our displays can seem an almost impossible task, so in this presentation Glyn will take you step by step through the entire process from showing how to correctly calibrate your display, the most important settings you need to know in your printing software, paper profiles and paper choice and ultimately leaving you with all you need to know. No more wasted money just Perfect Prints EVERY time!”

This wil be my first time at the show wit this being its 2nd year, and I can’t wait!

Hope to see you there 😃

THANK YOU Carmarthen Cameras, BenQ and Permajet

Last Friday I was in Carmarthen, Wales at Carmarthen Cameras for my Pro Printing Seminar …

… a 2 hour evening going through the complete printing process covering how to correctly calibrate your display / monitor for printing , printing software , paper choice and of course making some prints.

HUGE thank you goes to the great folks at Carmarthen Cameras who always pull out all the stops to make events run smoothly, and also to the incredible support from both BenQ and Permajet.

Kicking off going through the display calibration , I was using a BenQ SW240; a 24” hardware calibrated display using the BenQ Palette Master Software

To calibrate the display I used my X-Rite i1 Display Plus Calibration device (which is now the Calibrite Colour Checker Display Plus) …

So often we’re advised that for the best possible results you only need to use these (generic) settings but I never seemed to get the results I expected , so it was great to get the opportunity to go through explaining the settings and how to fit them to ‘your’ enviroment; when you know what each setting is , it makes this process so much easier and understandable.

I then covered printing software mainly looking at using Lightroom and also the Canon Pro Print Layout Software ; both work great although I do prefer the no frills interface of the Canon Software …

First of all showing how to print on Canon Paper using the Canon Pro 300 and then using a range of papers, from Permajet including their NEW Heritage Range , and showing how to use their Generic Paper Profiles … which never fail to produce fantastic results !

Again , a HUGE thank you to everyone involved and who came along on Friday making it such an enjoyable evening; It was great to run though ‘in person’ just some of the content I have recorded for inclusion in my Printing Class that will be available this April.

I'm hosting a Printing Workshop with Carmarthen Cameras, BenQ and Permajet

On Friday 24th February 2023 I’m excited to be hosting a Printing Workshop in partnership with Carmarthen Cameras, BenQ and Permajet.

A 2 hour evening at the Carmarthen Cameras, Zion Chapel Store running from 7pm - 9pm, I’ll be taking folks through such topics as …

  • Display Calibration

  • Colour Space

  • Printing Software Options

  • Paper Profiles

  • Paper / Media Options

… and of course producing some final prints.

An often over-complicated process, I’ll make it not so, and show how an understanding of each part of the process can produce not just great prints, but prints that match what you see on your display again and again.

No more wasted paper, no more wasted ink … just complete confidence that when you press print, you know you will get exactly what you would want / expect.

Tickets are priced at just £20 but spaces are limited due to space.

For more information and to grab a ticket, check out the link below.

Hope to see you there,