
Photoshop Virtual Summit 4 - Questions and Answers

It’s just a few days to go now until the start of the Photoshop Virtual Summit 4, so here’s a short video by the event creator, Dave Cross covering some of the most commonly asked questions he’s received during the lead up…

Click Here to check out the schedule




Photoshop Virtual Summit 4 - FREE PASS

Chuffed to bits to be one of the 20 Instructors at the next FREE Photoshop Virtual Summit which runs from 2nd May - 6th May 2022.

The past online events have been a huge success and in so many cases a great distraction and learning experience during the past couple of years because of you know what.

As with the previous summits there’s a line up of 20 Instructors which translates to 40 Photoshop Classes and over 30 hours of content.

Also (like before) there’s a FREE PASS available and an Early Bird Price (until 2nd May) of $99 (£75 approx) for the VIP PASS

I don’t know how Dave and Marlene Cross puts this together but 'hats off’ to them; especially as for the next few weeks I know they’ll be flat out making sure this event runs as smoothly as the previous ones.

Speaking for Sony at the London Camera Exchange (LCE) Photo Show in April

Really pleased to let you know that I’ll be speaking on behalf of Sony at the upcoming London Camera Exchange (LCE) Tradeshow being held in Bath on the 9th April 2022…

At 2pm, I’ll be going through a brand new presentation …


Lens Choice: There’s no RIGHT or WRONG but there is FOR FOR PURPOSE


With so much choice on offer, it can inevitably become a little overwhelming when it comes to choosing the right lens. But what exactly is the right lens? Should we always aim for the more expensive option? 

Join Professional Photographer & Sony Creator Glyn Dewis for this ‘real world’ session as he cuts through the confusion and explains HOW and WHY the lens choice shouldn’t necessarily be based solely on technical specifications but should be based on what is RIGHT FOR YOU and what is FIT FOR PURPOSE. 

Get this right and the results will follow!

To come along is completely FREE

The Trade Show is being held in the incredible Roman Baths and runs from 10:15am to 4pm with manufacturers, retailers, demos and other talks going on throughout the day.

Hope to see you there,

I made a short film: A Veteran's Story

I made a short film: A Veteran's Story

Last week I spent a few days working on a Secret Project creating a short film for The Veterans Charity which involved filming content in a couple of locations, audio recording, directing and editing.

This project was so secret that not even the CEO or Trustees of The Veterans Charity were aware it was being created ... until today!

This morning they watched it. It was an emotional morning. The film is RAW! It's hard hitting, it's emotional, but most importantly it's REAL! The film is called: A Veteran's Story

Photoshop Virtual Summit 3: Thank you so much for the GREAT Feedback

Photoshop Virtual Summit 3: Thank you so much for the GREAT Feedback

I hadn’t planned or intended to add this post but when waking up this morning I thought I’d quickly dive in to check if there were any questions following my Fast Fixes in Photoshop Session that aired yesterday during The Photoshop Virtual Summit 3.

As it turns out there was one question that I’ve now responded to, but it was the feedback that some folks had taken the time to post that has blown me away…

Thank You TPS 2021

Thank You TPS 2021

Finally landed back in Devon at 12.30am after what has been a fantastic few days at The Photography Show NEC, Birmingham.

Hats off to the Team behind the show for everything they have put in place to bring it back but as safely as possible. I was genuinely surprised at the numbers despite all the whispers beforehand that attendance would be low; there were more than I expected and a great atmosphere.