Thank You TPS 2021

Finally landed back in Devon at 12.30am after what has been a fantastic few days at The Photography Show NEC, Birmingham.

Hats off to the Team behind the show for everything they have put in place to bring it back but as safely as possible. I was genuinely surprised at the numbers despite all the whispers beforehand that attendance would be low; there were more than I expected and a great atmosphere.


HUGE thank you to Mark Baber and all at Sony for inviting me along to be on the stand and for making me feel so welcome. Great bunch and lots of laughs were had. It was a real insight into how they all operate infront of and behind the scenes. Total professionalism!

Great to catch up with Paul Genge; it’s been way too long since we have done so and I do miss our catch ups. Treated to a delicious meal with a big serving of laughs too. Fantastic to see him being awarded the Best at Show for the H&Y Filters.

Massive thanks to Tom Lewis from RODE for the unexpected gift; top presentation too that I managed to swing by and watch.

Another thanks goes to Damon from my publishers Rocky Nook; was great to get time to catch up (fabulous steak) but also see and hear what they’re working on behind the scenes.

Great to see and speak to so many others after such a long time; thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello. Throughly enjoyed spending time with the Top Man that is Peter Treadway; always a laugh.

Finally, it was so good to see and get some quality time (after nearly 2 years) with my mate Dave Clayton. We’ve genuinely laughed from Friday thru Sunday. It’s been a tonic


I could go on, but instead I’ll end with another THANK YOU!

A fantastic, and much needed few days after such a long time of no ‘in person’ events. Until next time

Oh and a negative / all clear test to start the day too