
Raising Mental Health Awareness - Through Photography

This past weekend I had the absolute homnour of having been asked to officially open a Landscape Photography Exhibition by Photographer Nigel Thomas in Kidwelly, West Wales ; an exhibtion that Nigel has worked on to help raise awareness of Mental Health …

I am so grateful that photography, landscape photography in particualr, has become such an important element in my life. I have found a profound sense of peace and purpose. My journey into landscape photography qas not just a creative pursuit, but a therapeutic escape from the depths of severe depression and anxiety
— Nigel Thomas

I can honestly say that I’ll NEVER forget this!

Throughout my career in this creative industry I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have presented at functions around the world. I’ve had some amazing experiences and made some amazing friends … and today I add to that!

A stunning body of work that has been instrumental in his recovery and my god, what a story he has to tell and is just so damn brave to do so.

It was an emotional rollercoaster of a day but it’s a ride I wouldn’t have missed.

Truly honoured. Truly blessed.

Beyond the Flash: Unlocking the. Potential of Constant Lighting in Photography

On Thursday of last week I had the pleasure of being invited to be part of Wescott Wednesday hosted by B&H Photo Video on their Event Space.

As I’m using Constant Flash more and more these days for when taking portraits I was asked to talk about my experience and how / why I feel that it has made such a positive impact on how I portraits, but not just for me but also the person being photographed.

The recording of the LIVE Broadcast I’ve added below, in which I go through what constant light I’m using, how I’m using it and also go through tips on how I take portraits in which I hope you’ll see how good constant light is to combine with them.

HUGE thanks to Westcott for inviting me to speak and also to the great folks at B&H who do such a great job hosting and preswenting these events.

Westcott Wednesday: Unlocking the Potential of Constant Lighting

So here’s a date for the diary …

In conjunction with Westcott and B&H Photo and Video, on the 15th May @ 3pm EDT (8pm UK) I'll be on "Westcott Wednesday" going through the WHY, WHAT and HOW of using Constant Lighting when taking portraits.

Thid will be the latest installment of the regular Westcott Wednesday series hosted by B&H in which I’ll be, as the description says …

Join us for this presentation as Photographer Glyn Dewis takes us through a journey shifting from traditional flash to constant lighting in portraiture. With a mix of image examples and behind the scenes, Glyn will explain how constant lighting has become the cornerstone of his portrait work, injecting a newfound level of creativity and enthusiasm into his photography.

“At first, using constant light almost felt like cheating but I’ve since completely changed my mind because aside from being under no illusion of the results I get and the ease of setting up, more than anything it enables me to concentrate even more on the person in front of my camera and the concept we’re working on.”

Oh and this event is FREE , will last about 1 hour and will be over on the B&H Event Page on YouTube ( LINK )

Mastering Concert Photography: Insider Tips & Techniques from a Pro | Scott Diussa

Watch the recording of this recent LIVE Broadcast from a I chat with Concert Photographer Scott Diussa and discover his process, kit, tips and tricks for photographing LIVE Music and Events and some of the biggest names in the industry … and all with limited time and space! PLUS Scott will share some of his Lightroom Editing Techniques for bringing out the best in your images taken in challenging lighting conditions …

links mentioned in the video

Scott Diussa’s Link Tree:

KelbyOne Lightroom Conference:

Royal Photographic Society Workshop:

KelbyOne Lightroom Conference Coming in April 2024

Very excited to be part of the KelbyOne Lightroom Conference 2024 this coming April 16th and 17th …

I’ll be presenting 2 classes, both of which are connected in that the first class I show all the preparation, planning, lighting and photogtraphy for a photo shoot. So, I’ll be covering the researching the concept, visiting a clothing and props provider to the TV and Movie Industry, working with the model, stylist, the set and finally the shoot.

In the 2nd class I’ll then go through the entire retouching process from importing the cpatured images into Lightroom and then step by step working through the retouching making use of Lightroom and Photoshop, and then finally a print.

VERY excited to show this becuase it means working on something completely new; a portrait that doesn’t form part of a series but a portrait I’ve wanted to work on for a while, so to be able to show the entire process will be great!

To find out more about the Lightroom Conference and to take advantage of Early Bird pricing, click / tap on the button link below.


Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Photographer Tim Oliver and discover his tips and techniques for capturing stunning wildlife photographs in particular of birds but also the natural world. PLUS the Gear / Kit he uses, uncovering how he approaches retouching, printing and selling his work.

links mentioned in the video

Tim Oliver’s Website:

Tim Oliver on Instagram: @oliverimagesaz

Discount Code: Use code GLYN50 on Tim’s Website for 50% OFF Prints and Gift Shop Items

LIGHT | CAMERA | CAPTURE | The Art of Portrait Photography | Ross McKelvey

Watch the recordong of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Portrait Photographer Ross McKelvey about his process for capturing stunning portraits and motion covering Lighting Set Ups and Post Processing. Plus Camera Clubs, Printing, Presenting your Work and Photography Competitions …

links mentioned in the video …

Ross McKelvey website:

Ross McKelvey YouTube Channel:

Ross McKelvey on Instagram:

Ross McKelvey on Facebook:

Westcott L60-B Bi Colour LED: LINK

Short Film about my Medicine ... Lyme Regis

It’s less than one week until the launch of the very first, and FREE VIDEO CREATORS VIRTUAL SUMMIT and I”m really looking forward to present (for the first time ever) 2 classes on using Adobe Premiere Pro.

This is a completely new area of teaching for me so I can’t wait to share the classes I’ve put together …

  • Masking Essentials in Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Plan, Record, Edit | Creating your First Video

I’ve had such a blast putting these classes together and definitely have some great, fun memories with friends from the Masking Class that I”ll be sharing at some point.

The ‘Creating your First Video’ class has actually been quite an emotional journey though … but in a good way I hasten to add.

I decided to treat it as a way of giving myself an assignment and then sharing the process from planning, recording and editing.

The assignment I gave myself was to record a short film about my favourite place of all which happens to be the area where I live, Lyme Regis, and try to portray why it’s so special to me.

Anyway I thought I’d share it here too, so I hope you like it …


Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with British Army Photographer turned Wildlife Photographer Jamie Peters and discuss KIT , PLANNING , PREPARATION , LESSONS LEARNED , MISTAKES MADE and Behind the Scenes of some of his STUNNING IMAGES!


Jamie Peters’ Website:

Jamie Peters on Instagram:

Dave Cross chats with Photoshop Virtual Summit 5 Instructors

With just over 4 weeks to go until the Photoshop Virtual Summit 5 which runs from 30th October thru 3rd November 2023 …

You can also use the link above to check out the page on the official website where the Founder and Organiser, Dave Cross, chats with each of us instructors for a couple of minutes about the classes we'll be presenting; ALWAYS more to learn