Presenting at Park Cameras Imaging Festival

This coming Saturday (2nd October) I’ll be heading to Park Cameras in Burgess Hill, West Sussex presenting at their Imaging Festival on behalf of Sony UK and I simply cannot wait.

After having experienced being back ‘in-person’ recently at The Photography Show in Birmingham, it really highlighted how much I’ve missed it. Zoom and other online platforms have certainly been a life-saver this past 18 months or so, but nothing beats being in-person.

I’m presenting at 12.30pm for an hour and will be going through:
How Adapting to Restrictions has made me a Better Photographer

I think it’s fair to say that so many folks have understandably lost their motivation for photography over the past 18 months. I totally get it. I’ve friends I know that have and still are experiencing this.

It almost sounds wrong to say this though, but the last 18 months has actually done me a favour when it comes to my photography. I’m photographing different genres of photography; genres there was just no way I would have bothered with before, but I’m absolutely loving it.

Although I’ve always loved what I do, trying new things has given a renewed excitement and in addition to that there’s now always something to photograph which in turn means unlimited content.

I’ll be sharing it all; the good, the bad and the happy accidents, so if you’re in the area or fancy a trip out, it would be great to see you there.

Registration (and attendance) is completely free and you can do so by clicking on the link below…