
My camera is ALWAYS with me ... thankfully

Now when I say camera, I mean the camera that, because of apps, I can do other things on like email, check the weather, browse websites and all that kind of stuff … you know the one I mean right?

Anyway, thankfully it’s always with me, and thankfully I always keep a tripod in the car, which meant when I popped down to Lyme Regis for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon I didn’t miss the opportunity to take some photographs of a superb incoming tide of crashing waves …

For this image I took. a series of 0.5 second and 1 second exposures using both the Lightroom Camera and ReeXpose, and then blended parts together in Lightroom and Photoshop to end up with a scene that for me best represents what it was like being there, as wave after wave crashed into the rocks.