
Westcott Cyber Week Sale 2023

The great folks who make and sell my Vinatge Grey Canvas by Glyn Dewis background for when taking portraits AND the samefolks who make and sell the lighting and modifiers I use, currnetly have their CYBER SALE WEEK running until Monday 27th November 2023

Looking through some of the items I’ve noticed up to $200 OFF lighting kits, and various other discounts on Modifiers, Backgrounds, LED Lighting Kits and so on …

Presenting at the YPU Keighley Day 2023

Back home now after a fantastic weekend in Yorkshire having been sponsored by Adobe to present at the YPU (Yorkshire Photographic Union) Keighley Day.

L to R: Yours Truly, YPU President Richard Littlefair, YPU President Elect Christine Hodgson and Ross McKelvey

Great to meet so many nice people who had made me feel so incredibly welcome from the moment I arrived on the Friday evening.

Wonderful too, to finally spend some quality time with Ross McKelvey who was also presenting.

He ‘took to the stage’ for the first part of day and it was so good to be able to kick back and watch as he firstly talked through prints of some of his wonderful images and then shared some of his retouching techniques.

Yep … a great couple of days spent with some great people PLUS a BIG thank you to Rufus Deuchler from Adobe for putting my name forward.

I'm now a Brand Ambassador for Calibrite

Proud to announce that I am now a Brand Ambassador for Calibrite

I've been using Calibrite (formerly X-Rite) calibration products for a number of years to make sure that what I see on my screen, and ultimately edit, is accurate with regards to colour, brightness and contrast, which then leads to the best possible print.

Very happy to have been approached because those that know me, know that I never approach a company; I've always believed that if you put the work in and are consisent then it's only a matter of time before good things happen.

THIS is why I do what I do ❤️

A few weeks back I took the portrait of the wonderful Di Edwards; wife of the late David Edwards ( World War 2 Veteran) and a family that, thanks to my 39-45 Portraits Project I have become very close to.

Well, yesterday ( 31st July 2023 ) I popped over to Abergavenny, Wales to see Di and her son Chris and to take the printed portraits over to them and I simply could noty have wished for a better reaction.

As the title of this post says … THIS is why I do what I do❤️

Here’s the portraits that I took; both of which were using natural light coming in through a large sliding patio door that leads out onto Di’s garden …

Di and her son Chris

When leaving, as always we had a hug but I’ll forever cherish that she said “I’m blessed to have you as a friend”

Ditto that Di ❤️

Di and her late husband, David Edwards … the best of human-kind right there !

WW2 Veteran David Edwards photographed in April 2019


It’s June 2023 and Adobe have just added some updates into Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Cloud which includes Lightroom Mobile.

So, here’s a quick run through of the main bits 👍🏻

Here too is a link to the Official Adobe Lightroom Website giving full detail including all the mior updates including new cameras and lenses added …

Guest Blog Post on Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider

Really proud to be a Guest over on Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider website today ( LINK )

I followed Scott’s blog when I first started out and still do to this day. Back in the day Scott used to run a ‘Motivational’ post every Tuesday and I’ll never forget the morning I started reading as usual and saw that his Tueday post was about me.

We’d not met and become friends at that point but Scott was telling his readers about my work and recommeding they go check it out. That meant a lot!

So much has happened since then and a big motivator of that was and is the support Scott has shown me over the years, so to be back on his blog today is something special for me … it’s kind of where it all started.

Thanks Scott and thanks to Brad Moore for reaching out.