H&Y Release their NEW Magnetic Lens Cap for the K-Series Holder

It’s the small things that make a BIG difference and now having this new lens cap from H&Y, although it might not seem like much, will make such a difference when out an about…

One of, if not the, main reason I use H&Y Filters is because of them being magnetic and easy and quick to use when on location. I’ve tried other brands (ahem….Lee) and found them to be so cumbersome that I ended up not bothering with them and going without. The H&Y filters aren’t lighter but it’s how easy they are to attach, that makes such a difference.

The quality goes without saying because you’re only going to put good glass onto of good glass, but the magnets, which are super strong, mean you don’t worry about filters coming off and dropping to the floor. Mind you, that did happen to me when I pulled one out of my bag when I was at Hartland Quay and it dropped onto and down between some rocks. Thankfully not a scratch, so I can speak with clumsy confidence that they’re tough 😃

Anyway, now I have this new Lens Cap it means I can have the holder already on the camera, the lens glass is safe from knocks and it’s one less thing to have to do when out and about, which ultimately makes shooting life a lot easier and more enjoyable.

Not earth shattering, but still makes a big difference.

Note: Just looked on the H&Y site and they’re currently priced at £20.83 + VAT 👍🏻 *LINK

*The links included in this article are not affiliated with H&Y / PhotoTEQ