Things that Dave has learned from Teaching

My Best Mate Dave Clayton recently flew out ot the USA and the KelbyOne HQ to record his 10th Class!


But even more so is that Dave didn’t even start teaching / presenting until he reached 50 years of age!

Check out his recent Guest Post over on Scott Kelby’s blog as he explains … Things he has learned from Teaching ( LINK )

It’s a fantastic read; heart warming but also very honest as Dave explains some of the feedback and advice he has had from folks who clearly didn’t mean him well, but in true Dave form he’s dealt with it and moved on, and man … has he moved on!

I recently sat and watched through Dave’s 10th KelbyOne Class … The Ultimate Guide to setting up your Photoshop Workspace ( LINK ) and apart from learning lots, just seeing how incredibly confident, engaging and comfortable he is on camera, is well, an absolute joy!

Having been with Dave when he first presented to a LIVE audience and also when he first recorded to camera, I was literally beaming from ear to ear seeing how much he has grown into the presenter role … it’s just so ‘him’ and so good to finally see him getting the attention he so richly deserves.

I couldn’t be more proud!