If you find the Pen Tool in Photoshop frustrating, difficult and annoying then TRY THIS!
In this video I show how to take a regular selection and turn it into a PIN SHARP selection AS GOOD AS the Pen Tool but without using it!
If you find the Pen Tool in Photoshop frustrating, difficult and annoying then TRY THIS!
In this video I show how to take a regular selection and turn it into a PIN SHARP selection AS GOOD AS the Pen Tool but without using it!
The BEST way to learn is by experimenting and playing, so in this video I show how we can use a simple Curves Adjustment technique and a little bit of Masking to Match Skin Tone between two different people and have fun giving an Instant 6 Pack! 😃
Even if you do everything right when printing your own photographs, it might not be your fault they still don't look good ... it could be that you're a Mac user and you're using Apple AirPrint to connect wirelessly to your printer.
Why is this important?
In this video I show why AirPrint is definitely a No-GO and a USB connection is BEST!
With all the recent updates to Lightroom including Presets and Masking, we're able to edit our images FASTER and EASIER than ever before!
In this video I quickly go through the editing / retouching steps from a recent landscape / seascape photo shoot using my drone from capture, blending, changing perspective, colour grading and printing…
Weather Apps … ✅
Tide Times … ✅
Drone Assist and NOTAMS … ✅
Kit Checked and Batteries Charged … ✅
With everything ready, a couple of evenings ago we popped down to Boscastle, Cornwall with the idea of grabbing dinner and taking some photographs in what can only be described as a stunning location.
As it happens, although I had intended to, I didn’t end up taking any photographs with my main camera BUT thankfully had brought along my drone (DJI Air 2S) and with conditions being perfect for some aerial photography, I couldn’t resist…
For the above image looking out from mouth of Boscastle Harbour across the sea, I set the drone up to take 5 photographs in quick succession with each a different exposure (AEB) and then blended them together in Lightroom to create a HDR (High Dynamic Range) image.
I love creating panoramic shots with my drone too; this one and the one below taken using the 180 pano setting in Raw, and then merging together in Lightroom to create the stitched together image.
And of course, I couldn’t resist a Top-Down …
All of the images were processed using both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Cloud; using both together opens up so many more editing possibilities due to the cloud and Adobe’s A.I. which is a great way to edit fast and get inspired.
I’m thinking about covering this in an video over on my YouTube Channel so if you think it would be worth doing, I’d really appreciate a YEs or a NO in the comments section below.
Also I’m looking at putting together a video and post showing what I check (weather, no fly zones, NOTAMs etc), what I take with me and everything I do to ensure a safe (and legal) and successful flight with my drone when filming or taking photographs, so again if you think that would be something worth sharing, just let me know.
Thanks for looking in,
VERY happy to announce that I’ll be one of the Instructors at the upcoming Photoshop World Virtual Conference…
Running from August 30th through September 1st, Photoshop World is a once-a-year Photoshop, Lightroom and Photography love fest bringing together 31 Instructors from all over the world teaching a whole host of subject matter and with the sole purpose of Educating and Inspiring!
As well as being a LIVE Online Event, ALL ticket holders have access to ALL of the content for 12 months after the event, so there’s plenty of time to take in all of the information, practice and put it to use.
Tickets are currently priced at the Early Bird Price of $299 (£248.53 approx) and you can grab one using the button below..
*Early Bird Price ends on Augut 30th at which point tickets are priced at $399 (£332.07 approx)
I’ll be presenting 2 classes; one on Printing and the other, an updated Selections Course following the success of last year’s event.
Cannot wait for this! Hope to see you there…online 😃
So today (after having had a Direct Message and request come through Instagram) I have recorded and uploaded a new video showing how to add a Backlight / Spotlight into your pictures; a great technique if...
a) You didn't have the space to use other light during the photo shoot
b) You had a light but didn't use...and now wish you had
c) You didn't have another light at the time
In this technique I make use of a (very) quick selection and a Levels Adjustment Layer, and the result is VERY effective.
Hope you like it,
One of the most common questions I get asked about Lightroom is “What’s the difference between the Presets and Profiles?”
In this video, I explain all 😃
I love how we can use techniques in Photoshop to do more than one thing. In this video I show how a GREAT technique that I call the Never Ending Lighting Rig for adding in more lights to your picture can also be used to enhance eyes in portraits by brightening them, adding in fake catch lights and making them POP!
This is a SUPERB way to remove distractions in your photographs. In this video I'll show you step by step how to get superb results removing stuff like people and vehicles (or anything else that moves) quick and easy using Smart Objects and Stack Modes, that would be impossible using regular tools in Photoshop like the Clone Stamp Tool and Content Aware Fill.
© Glyn Dewis 2025