Photo Walk

Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk in Cardiff Bay - 7th October 2023

I remember when Scott Kelby first launched his Annual Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk back in August 2008 but I can’t for the life of me think where the past 15 years have gone 😳

I lead a number of the photo walks over the years in locations such as Windsor, Brighton, Stratford-upon-Avon and Lichfield and have great memories of each one and friendships that remain to this day.

For one reason or another I’ve not been able to particiapte in the World Wide Photo Walk for a few years now, but this year on Saturday 7th October, I will be … not leading a walk though, but as a particiapnt and I can’t wait.

I’m signed up for a World Wide Photo Walk being led by my great friend Anthony Crothers (his first) which is being held in and around the stunning Cardiff Bay in the City of Cardiff, South Wales.

Knowing how good these get-togethers are with groups of people all with an interest in photography be it with a DSLR, Mirrorless or Mobile Phone (which I will be using) , I cannot wait, and with Anthony living just a short drive away, you can guarantee the route he’s organised will bring some fantastic opportunities.

Each World Wide Photo Walk Leader / Organiser creates a dedicated page on the main WWPW website giving detials of date, meet up time and location, end time and location plus any other information to keep everyone informed, and knowing Anthony as I do, he’ll leave notihng to chance to ensure that everyone has the best time possible.

To join us in Cardiff Bay for some photography and social, just tap / click on the button below where you can read more information and claim your spot.

Joining a Photo Walk is completely free but sapces at each are limited to 30.

Hope to see you there 😃