
Adobe Express Hacks Every Photographer Should Know | Dave Clayton

Watch the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Graphic Designer Dave Clayton and discover more about Adobe Express … the “Creative App for All” and see how we can use it to quickly create graphics, social media posts, automate, schedule, add stylised captions to videos and ultimately helps us to be more creative, time efficient and productive.

links mentioned in the video:

Adobe Express: (Access via Creative Cloud App on Desktop / Mobile) or:

Dave Clayton’s Website:

Facebook: @itsdaveclayton

Instagram: @itsdaveclayton

Dave Clayton’s Newsletter Sign Up + FREE eBook Downloads: BIT.LY/INDESIGNBOOK

Nigel Thomas’ Landscape Photography Exhibition
Canolfan John Burns Centre, Kidwelly, Wales. SA17 5AB
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th June 2024
10am - 5pm
email: for more details

Ian Munro’s “Hope Foundation Dog Rescue” Fund Raiser: ( LINK )

Mark Lynham | PHOTOGRAPHING FAST JETS + FEATHERS | The Art of High Speed Photography

Fasten your seatbelts and join me for the recording of this LIVE Broadcast as I chat with Fast Jet (and Bird) Photographer Mark Lynham as we look through his STUNNING IMAGES and discuss HOW he does it, KIT he uses and WHY plus TIPS and a whole lot more …

Links mentioned during the video

The Video Creators Virtual Summit 2024:

The iPhone Photography Conference 2024:

Mark Lynham Website:

Mark Lynham on Instagram: @marklynham

Camera Shake Podcast

Recently I had the absolute pleasure of being invited on the very popular Camera Shake Podcast to chat with host Kersten Luts.

I’d been a Guest on the podcast way back when it was in its infancy around the early time of the Covid Pandemic (Episode 46) but a lot has changed since then not just with what I’m focusing on but also in the creative world with the very recent release of Generative Fill A.I. in Photoshop Beta.

So, in this episode amongst other things Kersten and I chatted about how I’ve focused on my YouTube Channel and my process for creating weekly videos, mobile phone photography and how that is something I’m dong A LOT of now and also, of course Generative Fill A.I. 

The podcast is available as audio only where all great podcasts are found and also in video format on YouTube: LINK

Here’s a couple of links:

Apple Podcasts:

Hope you enjoy it,
